Our Mission: To provide educational and developmental opportunities for low-income children and adults in our local communities
Dysart Community Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1962 by a group of twelve determined volunteers to provide basic health and educational resources to local families on the verge of poverty. Educating those in need was the first priority for these volunteers and remains so today.
From its founding more than fifty years ago, Dysart Community Center has expanded its services to provide a variety of educational programs for thousands of West Valley residents in our local communities. Today we proudly serve our community with GED, High School Diploma, ESL, and citizenship courses for adults, before and after-school programs with transportation to certain local schools, and summer care for youth, Teen Programs, Chik-Fil-A Leadership Academy and access to various basic needs resources for families and individuals. We believe that by empowering our community through education while providing relief from various social and economic stresses, we can play an important part in helping our community members reach the full potential of their character and capabilities.